Aminet 37
Aminet 37 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2000].iso
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Changes for Voodoo-X, Created Tue/2/Feb/2000 (Most recent changes at the top)
Voodoo-X 1.2 Release (5.3.2000)
- Second public release.
Voodoo-X 1.2 BETA 4 (5.3.2000)
- Task priority was being set too high.
- If there's an error during extraction, the correct filename is displayed.
- When viewing entries, a progress window is now displayed, but only if the
file is larger than 50K.
- Passwords for individual files are now supported.
- Menu items "Close" and "Clear archive history..." now remove all unused
temporary files.
- The close gadget for password window now works.
- Version information for wbstart.library is now displayed again.
- Implemented the remaining code for the new About Window. It now looks
a lot nicer. :)
- Removed a redundant and buggy routine that had the potential to fall into
an endless loop while scanning the archive history list.
- Made some more minor cosmetic changes.
- Added a small routine to check for corrupt letters during extraction. It
requires more work though.
Voodoo-X 1.2 BETA 3 (2.3.2000)
- If loading fails, the currently selected entry in the archive history list
is kept. Added at the request of Dirk.
- The progress window isn't always made the front most window now, because
this lead to some strange situations where the progress window could hide
error requesters from the user (making him even more confused :-).
- Some minor (internal) changes to the list format.
- Destination file requester now opens with the correct drawer path.
- Downcoded some frequently called routines to assembly, as a result building
a directory tree for an archive with over 7500 files is slightly faster (15
seconds on my 040/40Mhz).
- Some various minor optimizations.
- Pressing "Parent" in the root of an embedded archive brings you back to the
parent archive. Added at the request of Dirk.
- Voodoo-X now won't reloaded embedded archives that have already been loaded.
- Opening up the archive file requester while an embedded is displayed now
defaults to the path of the embedded archive's parent. This only works
for archives embedded 1 level deep. The archive requester will detault to
T: for deeper archives (since T: is the current temporary extract path for
all embedded archives).
- If the user has OS 3.5 installed, Voodoo-X will not use wbstart.library
anymore, to launch programs while under WB's context. Instead, Voodoo-X
will take advantage of WB v44's new launch functions. Note: wbstart.library
is still required for OS 3.1 systems or lower.
- Voodoo-X now doesn't assume all files 901120 or 1802240 bytes in length are
ADF files. If a file with one of these sizes is not really an ADF, Voodoo-X
will check it to see if it's really an archive. Just my bad luck to
encounter a TGZ archive that was exactly 1802240 in length. :-)
- Before extracting, all entries will now be re-sorted back into XAD's
internal order. This greatly speeds up extracting, especially when seeking
into the archive. This will also speed up archives formats with (large)
merge groups (i.e. LZX). Thanks to Dirk for pointing this out.
- Implemented the password window. Encrypted archives can now be loaded.
- ARC_IsArc() was forgetting to call xadFreeInfo(). I wasted many hours
trying to track that one down. :-)
Voodoo-X 1.2 BETA 2 (24.2.2000)
- The main lister now shows protection bits.
- When double clicking on an entry, the name and path of the program being
launched is shown in the information & status gadget.
- Move and copy operations now copy the archive's icon too, if it exists.
- Added a check to ensure user can't copy or move an archive over itself.
- Made some more minor cosmetic changes.
- If an archive is deleted, it's icon is also deleted.
- The user can now view archives inside archives. A lot of internal work
was required to support this feature.
- Type now indicates HD and DD ADF files, in status & info gadget.
- Implemented the settings window and the internal config routines.
- Cleaned up some of the help strings (also added some missing ones).
- The main lister now uses images for drawers.
- Added some more menu shortcuts at the request of JanRoger Haugan.
- If there are more than 10 errors during file extraction, Voodoo-X
will popup an error requester asking if the user want to abort.
- Voodoo-X now uses file manager style archive browsing. All of the extract
routines were recoded and many internal changes were made. Added at the
request of JanRoger Haugan.
- Added day name to main lister. Day, date and time now get their own columns
in the main list.
- Fixed another bug in GUI_Popup(), the routine now makes sure the
application object hasn't been disposed, before opening the requester. If
it has, an intuition requester will be used instead.
- ARC_ExtractFile() now restores dates, comments and protection bits.
- Destination string gadget now has a history list. This allows the user
to quickly change destinations.
- xadmaster.library version 5 is now required.
Voodoo-X 1.2 BETA 1 (19.2.2000)
- HTML document now includes WIDTH and HEIGHT tags for inline images.
- Added Thanks section to the HTML.
- Lots of internal changes to the source. It should now be easier to compile
on several compilers.
- If Voodoo-X failes to launch a program, it now displays was context it
was trying to launch that program on.
- Fixed a startup bug regarding wbstart.library. A NULL lock was being
passed in the WBArgs, causing wbstart.library to fail. Unfortunately
I did not spot this bug because I'd installed Stephan Rupprecht's
wbstart emulation, which hid the bug. Thanks to Bill for reporting this.
Voodoo-X 1.1 Release (15.2.2000)
- First public release.
Voodoo-X 1.1 BETA 4 (8.2.2000)
- Implemented support for xvs.library, also added a new menuitem called
"Check for viruses".
- Added copyright and version information for XVS to the About requesters.
- Added new menuitem "About versions...". This gives version information
on all currently loaded modules. Also removed old version text from the
main About requester.
- Added version information on NList and NListview MUI custom classes.
- Updated webpage URL in the About window.
- Fixed the Abort button, when extracting files.
- The progress Abort button should be more responsive now.
- "Copy to..." and "Move to..." file requesters now display the correct
destination name.
- When extracting the selected entries, the lister follows the selected
entries by every page, not every entry. This means the lister scrolling
looks nicer and requires less updates.
- Status and information gadget is now cleared when user closes last
- Made some minor cosmetic changes.
- When moving archives, Voodoo-X will rename the archive if destination
file is on the same device.
- muimaster.library was accidentally being opened/closed twice.
Voodoo-X 1.1 BETA 3 (6.2.2000)
- Fixed typo in bubble help for the archive path string gadget.
- Change title "Archiver Name" in XAD client info window to "Client name".
- Both the archive and destination ASL popup requesters now record their
window positions. The current implementations are a bit hacky. :-/
- Voodoo-X no longer tries to extract and view links/dirs (with multiview),
when the user double clicks on one.
- When the user clicks once on a link entry, the status bar will show the
real destination of that link.
- Cleaned up some of the code, removed redundant variables, etc.
- Added icon.library and tooltype handling code.
- Added VIEWER tooltype. This parameter allows the user to specify an
alternative viewer, when double clicking on an entry. If this tooltype
is not present, then Voodoo-X will default to multiview.
- All XAD error requesters now give more information.
- Progress windows now display the current file being processed.
- Extended (and renamed) Voodoo-X's internal IPC port. It now accepts
simple commands like iconify, uniconify quit, etc. Also modified main
event loop to handle quit events.
- The status bar now shows the amount of selected files.
- Added bold text styles to the status bar to make it more readable.
- Menuitem "Select none" now clears the active entry too.
- When a second Voodoo-X process is launched, the screen that the first
one resides on is brought to front. This avoids confusion.
- Voodoo-X now displays a progress window while sorting/displaying the
entries of big archives (1000 entries+). This comes in handy when
processing excessively big archives like HD backups, etc.
- Added "Open..." and "Close" menu items to the "Archive" menu.
- Cleaned up some GUI calls.
- Added XADCF_FILESYSTEM flag recognition the client window, which is new
for XAD version 5+.
- Added code to make sure the progress window is always the front most
window, when it has just been opened.
Voodoo-X 1.1 BETA 2 (4.2.2000)
- Fixed XAD copyright dates in the About requester.
- Renamed "Save..." menuitem to "Copy to...".
- Added "Move to..." menuitem.
- Added checks for DD and HD ADFs.
- Implemented "Copy to..." and "Move to..." menuitem code.
- Implmented "Clear archive history..." menuitem code.
- Implemented the archive delete code. The menuitem is now called "Delete
from disk..." and has a new position in the menu.
- Fixed a bug in GUI_Popup() that left intuition.library open if
muimaster.library was not found on the system.
- Made some cosmetic fixes to the popup help text, file requester titles,
MUI titles, etc.
- The main lister now shows file comments.
- Added confirm requester to the "Extract all..." menu item.
- Multiple copies of multiview can now be run, at the same time.
- Implemented a more advanced temporary file allocation and removal system.
- Archive extraction now has a progress window.
- Added some overwrite confirm requesters.
- Implemented "Select pattern..." window and it's code.
- Added NList copyright information to the About window.
- Multiview wasn't being launched correctly when Voodoo-X was launched under
the Workbench's context, since no path was available. Voodoo-X now uses
wbstart.library (optional) to overcome this. Later versions of Voodoo-X
will also use workbench.library v44 to do this (that is, when my AmigaDev
2.1 CD arrives :-).
- Added version information for wbstart.library in the About window. Also
added copyright information.
- About window was showing wrong revision of muimaster.library.
- Recoded the WB/Shell arg processing.
- Added simple IPC port for transfering args from one Voodoo-X process to
another. This means there'll always be one Voodoo-X process running to
avoid confusion.
- Implemented XAD client information window.
- Main lister now identifies and shows links.
- Extract routine will now skip links.
- The load routine will now check to see if an incomming archive is already
in the archive history list, if so, it will activate that entry instead of
loading the whole archive from disk again. This prevents useless clones
filling up the history list.
- Loading archives pops the main Voodoo-X window to front. This comes in
handy when another Voodoo-X process is transfering it's args to it.
Voodoo-X 1.1 BETA 1 (27.1.2000)
- Initial BETA version.